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Get Extra Help From Your Children’s Dentist in Center

February 22, 2017

Filed under: Pediatric Dentistry — dryoungblood @ 11:14 pm

bubbly little girlUnfortunately, no one has written a manual about parenting. Well, there are plenty of books that claim to be, but no one seems to have gotten around to writing about your particular child. It can be tough trying to balance everything, and that includes taking care of their teeth. How can you get them to brush and floss every day? What else should you be doing beyond that? Fortunately, Dr. Thomas Youngblood, your children’s dentist in Center, is always willing to help by offering tips and answering questions. Curious about what kinds of information he has to share? To give you an idea of what he can offer you, here is a little tip about something your child probably drinks every day.

Always Choose Tap Water

Hopefully your child is drinking a lot of water every day. If you’re like many parents, bottled water is usually the first choice because it’s convenient. However, you could actually be harming their teeth because of this. Tap water is actually great for their teeth for a few reasons:

  • Tap water typically has fluoride, which helps your child’s teeth fight cavities. Bottled water, on the other hand, does not.
  • Unlike sodas or juices, water is not packed with added sugar, so your child can drink as much as they want when they are thirsty and not harm their teeth.
  • Also, it rinses the teeth of plaque and food particles, making it the next best thing to brushing.

The first point is especially important, as an overreliance on bottled water has actually increased the rate of cavities in children. This is because they get less fluoride in their diet, which is an important part of fighting tooth decay. If it’s a choice between bottled or tap water, always choose tap!

How You Can Use Your Children’s Dentist

This is just one example of all the helpful knowledge your dentist for children in Center, Dr. Youngblood, can offer you. He is a fantastic resource when it comes to your child’s oral health, and is always willing to help. He understands that your child’s dental care mostly happens at home, and by arming you with the right knowledge, it’ll make his job very simple whenever they come in for a check-up.

Of course, whenever you bring them to Children’s Dental Center, he will clean their teeth professionally, but he will also talk to your child about why taking care of them is so important. Sometimes, simply by hearing the same thing from a different person, a child will start to listen. You can also talk to him about ways you can help your child consistently brush, what dental products they should use, and basically use him as a guide for anything involving their teeth. He is ready to help, and will always make sure you know how to take care of your littlest smile.

Have Questions?

Dr. Youngblood and his team are always happy to make your life easier and your child’s smile brighter. Never feel self-conscious about asking a question, even if you think it is silly. Dr. Youngblood takes pride in educating his patients so he knows their smiles are in good hands between check-ups. Just remember, we’re always here to help.

If you have any questions about your child’ dental care or want to schedule their first appointment for 2017, please give us a call today.

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